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Behind Hollywood's Closed Doors, A-List Stars Are Playing Dungeons & Dragons

Wizards of the Coast
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Dungeons & Dragons boasts an array of players from some of the highest echelons of celeb society.

HollywoodReporter A List Stars Are Playing DnD Content-Image

The role-playing game that once defined geek suddenly is oh-so-chic, as everyone from Dwayne Johnson to Drew Barrymore roll multi-sided dice while pretending to be dwarves and wizards. Says Silicon Valley's Martin Starr: “There's a huge resurgence of nerd culture, and I'm excited about it.”

Read more at The Hollywood Reporter.

Wizards of the Coast
  • Company

Eldritch Moon Is a Crucial Addition to Magic: The Gathering


Wizards of the Coast reveals all-new digital game Magic: The Gathering Arena

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